Community development is shaped by the leaders of that community. Leaders listen and experience the people’s needs, have foresight when making important decisions, and collaborate when possible for the benefit of all. Leaders have focus and direct actions towards the needs, they understand the past and assess the present to produce good future outcomes. Good Leaders are paramount to the betterment of life and services provided in the community.
该计划的愿景是提高我们社区当前领导者的技能或培养未来领导者,这些领导者将利用他们的才能和激情在马尼斯蒂地区产生积极影响. Current and prospective leaders will acquire knowledge of the strengths, trends, 以及马尼斯蒂县的问题,目的是让参与者确定并参与影响变革的方式.
It is a nine-month program where participants will explore and engage key skills, meet current community leaders, and showcase many important areas of our local community. Prospective leaders will acquire knowledge of the strengths, trends, 以及马尼斯蒂县内部的问题,目标是参与者成为确定影响变革方式的领导者.
At the end of the program, 领导团队将创建并完成“服务大日子”社区服务计划. 这个项目使领导者能够通过一个服务项目来测试他们的技能. 这种同志关系将建立积极的经验教训和关系,有望在未来使社区受益.
- Learn about the strengths, challenges, and opportunities in Manistee County. Find ways to put your skills and passions to work for greater community improvement.
- Acquire a larger network of contacts and resources by meeting with current leaders. Learn from their wisdom, experience, and vision.
- 拓展你的个人发展,提高现有技能或获得新的技能,为社区领导角色做好准备.
- 在整个项目中与其他当地专业人士合作,建立长期的关系.
- Become a future community leader who can anticipate change and act decisively
- 将获得的知识应用到当前的雇主和组织中,最大限度地发挥自己的作用.
2023/2024 Leadership Cohort
Rebecca Danison - Centra Wellness
Zach Reau - Edward Jones
Abbie Hubbard - Filer Credit Union
Katie Mehl - Manistee County Planning Department
Jeffery Kamaloski - Manistee Intermediate School District
Holly Eckard - Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, LLC
Alexander Nurmikko - Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties, LLC
Arnold Malstrom - Myotek
James Wygmans - Myotek
Tina Holden - Networks Northwest/Michigan Works! Manistee
Heather Luttrell - Networks Northwest/Michigan Works! Manistee
Zebadiah Jones - Packaging Corporation of America
Lacy Crummey - Wexford-Missaukee-Manistee Great Start Collaborative
2022/2023 Leadership Cohort
“2022/2023领导力队列”选择了水安全作为今年社区项目的主题. For the 2023 Big Day of Serving, 领导小组将在马尼斯蒂县周围的各个海滨地点建造和安装救生衣出借站. 这些救生衣出借站将是永久性的结构,包含从婴儿到成人不等大小的救生衣. 这些救生站将建立在荣誉制度的基础上——借用救生衣,用完后归还. 该项目的目标是帮助教育社区的水安全,同时帮助使水上娱乐安全,并为所有人.
Kyle Gurzynski - Filer Credit Union
Debra Bowman - Munson Healthcare Manistee Hospital
Rachel Henderson - West Shore Community College
Mike Szokola - Manistee County Planning Department
Jill Witkowski - Manistee Intermediate School District
Heather Taylor - Manistee Township
Payton Tyndall - Ludington Beverage
Kendra Dula - Manistee Conservation District
2021/2022 Leadership Cohort
This year's class chose to give back to the community through minor construction, clean-up, and outdoor building maintenance as their community service project or "Big Day of Serving."
Cindy Vasquez - Peterson McGregor Insurance
Kyle Ray - Networks Northwest
Alex Henderson - Mika Meyers
Lucas Richardson - Spicer Group
Rebecca Amidon - Manistee Democratic Party
Daniel Groess - Packaging Corporation of America
Devin Wegner - Manistee Intermediate School District
Michael Carroll - Packaging Corporation of America
Amber Cooper - West Shore Community College
Eva DeLaGarza - Munson Healthcare Manistee Hospital
Kari Koscinski - Filer Credit Union
Sara Herberger - Historic Vogue Theater
感谢所有参与2022年大服务日的人——没有你们,这是不可能的! Special thanks to the 2022 Big Day of Serving sponsors!
2020/2021 Leadership Cohort
Participants: Brian Mckie, Josh Arnett, Heather Hansen-Foggo, Kali Owens, Kristina Bajtka, 和考特尼·高奇共同努力,让人们意识到马尼斯蒂县的回收做法和选择.
感谢所有参与2021年大服务日的人——没有你们,这是不可能的! Special thanks to the 2021 Big Day of Serving sponsors, supporters, and congratulations
Leadership Program Sponsors
Lunch Sponsor Recognition
Dynamic Physical Therapy
Packaging Corporation of America
Accident Fund Insurance Company of America
“参加去年的领导力项目帮助我建立了更多的专业和个人关系. We had a quaint group, 总共6次,帮助我们在更亲密的层面上了解彼此,并将在未来几年继续下去. 走出去,体验我们国家所提供的,发现有什么美妙的机会在等着你. Step outside of your comfort zone and discover what this program can do for you!”
~Kali Owens, City of Manistee
“领导力项目让我在了解和探索我所居住的社区的同时,在专业上得到了成长. 这是一次大开眼界的经历,让我更加意识到我们社区面临的挑战,以及有很多机会以有意义的方式影响社区的事实. 这个项目为我打开了一扇大门,让我有了以前从未有过的机会.”
~Heather Hansen-Foggo, West Shore Community College
“曼尼斯蒂商会领导计划是一个与社区众多人士见面和联系的绝佳机会, as well as get to know eleven awesome people throughout the experience."
- Kyle Ray, Networks Northwest/Michigan Works! Manistee
"It has been a great experience being part of the 2022 Leadership Program. 我学到了很多关于马尼斯蒂的知识,还有那些让马尼斯蒂成为今天这个样子的人. 我向所有住在马尼斯蒂的人推荐领导力项目,无论你是在这里生活了一辈子还是刚搬到这里, there is truly so much to learn about this great place! I have also enjoyed working as a team to make the Big Day of Serving a reality!"
- Kari Koscinski, Filer Credit Union
“领导力计划帮助我在与马尼斯蒂县周围的专业人士建立联系的同时,专业地成长. 它让我走出自己的舒适区,探索和了解我所生活的社区. 这是一次大开眼界的经历,让我意识到我们社区面临的挑战. 这个项目通过教导人们如何以有意义的方式回馈社区,帮助马尼斯蒂县成为一个更好的地方."
- Amber Cooper, West Shore Community College
“To anyone who has the initiative and desire to become a leader in our community; The program is a great opportunity to work with other leaders whom you may have never met, to see what good things you can do for the area and what good things are already happening.”
- Lucas Richardson, Spicer Group, Inc.
"I have really enjoyed my time as part of the Leadership Group. I was able to visit local locations that I had never been to. Specifically the Arcadia Marsh and Tippy Dam."
- Cindy Vasquez, Peterson McGregor Insurance
Not only did I learn so much about Manistee County through the leadership program, 但我也成为了一个有影响力的项目的一部分,通过我们班的大服务项目,在马尼斯蒂县安装了七个救生衣出借站,这将长期为居民和游客的生命和安全带来积极的影响. 当各行各业、各行各业的人为了一个共同的目标走到一起时,它是强大的. 我永远不可能在我自己的社区里做出如此巨大而持久的改变, it took all of us together to make a difference.
-Rachel Henderson, West Shore Community College
via email at or by phone at 231-723-2575.